Bush: Beyond Reason
By Robert Parry
October 19, 2004
Ron Suskind relates a chilling conversation he had in 2002
with a senior aide to George W. Bush, who taunted Suskind
for being a person from “what we call the reality-based
The Bush aide said this “reality-based
community” consists of people who “believe that solutions
emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.”
Suskind nodded in agreement and muttered something favorable
about the principles of the Enlightenment, only to be cut
off by the aide.
“That’s not the way the world really
works anymore,” the Bush aide told the journalist. “We’re an
empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And
while you’re studying that reality – judiciously, as you
will – we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which
you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out.
We’re history’s actors … and you, all of you, will be left
to study what we do.”
In many ways, that quote – cited in
Suskind's New York Times Magazine article about Bush’s
“faith-based presidency” – sums up the anti-rational
arrogance that has become the hallmark of Bush’s inner
circle, a group that apparently thinks that its actions
transcend both law and reason. [See “Without
a Doubt,” New York Times Magazine, Oct. 17, 2004]
Channeling God
Suskind, a former Wall Street Journal
reporter, quotes other Republicans who have concluded that
Bush believes – or at least gives the impression he believes
– that his judgments are directed by God.
“I think a light has gone off for
people who’ve spent time up close to Bush: that this
instinct he’s always talking about is this sort of weird,
Messianic idea of what he thinks God has told him to do,”
said Bruce Bartlett, a domestic policy adviser to Ronald
Reagan and a Treasury official in the first Bush
administration. “He truly believes he’s on a mission from
God. Absolute faith like that overwhelms a need for
analysis. The whole thing about faith is to believe things
for which there is no empirical evidence.”
Because Bush is convinced of his
rightness, he often snaps and snarls at aides who question
his “gut” judgments, according to Republicans who have
watched Bush in action. “This is why he dispenses with
people who confront him with inconvenient facts,” Bartlett
told Suskind.
In an earlier book, The Price of
Loyalty, Suskind recounted the internal battles that led
to the forced resignation of Treasury Secretary Paul
O’Neill, who then became one of the first Bush insiders to
sound the alarm about Bush’s hostility toward reality.
O’Neill described a host of
administration policies – from Bush’s “preemptive wars” to
the budget deficit – that “were impenetrable by facts.”
O’Neill, who served in the Nixon and Ford administrations
and later ran Alcoa, was startled by the contrast in Bush’s
administration where major decisions were made with little
deliberation beyond Bush’s tendency to embrace ideological
O’Neill said Bush was “clearly signing
on to strong ideological positions that had not been fully
thought through. But, of course, that’s the nature of
ideology. Thinking it through is the last thing an ideologue
wants to do.” [For more on Bush’s view toward reality, see
Consortiumnews.com’s “A
Political Battle for Planet Earth.”]
Second Term
Yet, while it may be troubling that
Bush runs the world’s sole superpower on “gut” instinct that
he may think is divinely inspired, it is perhaps even more
troubling that large numbers of Americans are ready – even
determined – to endorse this approach in granting Bush a
second term.
What appears to have happened is that a
significant swath of the U.S. population has embraced a
political mysticism which accepts Bush as a kind of cult
leader. For these Bush supporters, it doesn’t matter that he
has big gaps in his knowledge of the world or that he
sometimes invents his own reality. They have come to see
Bush as a messenger from God, an impression that Bush’s
handlers – and Bush himself – have cultivated.
In the third presidential debate, for
instance, Bush said “one part of my foreign policy” is that
“I believe that God wants everybody to be free.” In other
words, Bush was justifying the invasion of Iraq, at least
partly, on the basis that it was what God wanted.
This notion that God has adopted a
foreign policy that involves killing tens of thousands of
Iraqis and imprisoning thousands more – in the name of
bringing them freedom – may strike some theologians as
bizarre, even grotesque.
But Bush’s comment had a pop
religiosity that resonates with his fundamentalist Christian
base. Many of these same conservative Christians also are
fascinated by apocalyptic interpretations of the Book of
Revelation and have made the end-time “left-behind” series
major best-sellers. Reality – at least as the Age of Reason
understood empiricism – has little place in this thinking.
Political Professionals
Still, the political mysticism that is
lifting George W. Bush's candidacy is only part of what has
happened in the United States.
Others in Bush's support network are
cold-blooded professionals, part of a powerful
conservative/Republican infrastructure that has been built
over three decades with the goal of ensuring that
conservative politicians control the U.S. government. These
political operatives and media personalities have little
regard for empirical fact either, though it's less personal
than professional, when they spin words and events in ways
that work to Bush’s advantage.
In my new book,
Secrecy & Privilege: Rise of the Bush Dynasty from Watergate
to Iraq, I chronicle how this remarkable
conservative infrastructure of think tanks, news outlets and
attack groups developed since the mid-1970s as a reaction to
Richard Nixon’s ouster over the Watergate scandal and as a
response to the student unrest that contributed to the U.S.
withdrawal from Vietnam.
While the two George Bushes ended up as
the chief beneficiaries of this Right-Wing Machine, the
infrastructure had broader goals for transforming American
politics and preventing another Watergate-style debacle or
another anti-war movement. It's watchword was the
intelligence concept of "perception management."
George W. Bush's administration also
has found it easier to manipulate information because two of
the checks on government deception came under extraordinary
pressure during the 1980s. In Secrecy & Privilege, I
show how the Reagan-Bush administration made great strides
in taming both the CIA’s analytical division and the
national press corps.
The purging of many dedicated
intelligence analysts in the 1980s caused lasting damage to
the CIA’s analytical division, which became a shell of its
former self. By the second Bush administration, the
once-proud division was acting as little more than a
conveyor belt for “politicized” intelligence, including the
hyped and bogus warnings about Iraq’s non-existent weapons
of mass destruction.
Similarly, the national press corps –
having seen careers of many independent-minded journalists
shattered – shirked its duty to skeptically examine the
government’s case for war with Iraq.
Democratic Complicity
Some blame also must fall on Democrats
and liberals who failed to counter the rising threat posed
by this three-decade assault on the nation’s information
base. As Republicans and conservatives poured hundreds of
millions of dollars into building a permanent
media/political infrastructure, Democrats and liberals
mostly sat on the sidelines or made excuses why they
couldn’t match up in this “war of ideas.”
Though some prominent liberals say they
now “get” the need to battle over information, their
hesitancy continues. In a new book, The Road to Air
America, one of the liberal radio network’s founders,
Sheldon Drobny, describes the resistance he encountered from
“limousine liberals” in California and elsewhere while
trying to raise money for Air America. “It was too risky an
investment for most people’s taste,” Drobny wrote.
The cash-strapped network – featuring
programs by comedians Al Franken and Janeane Garofalo –
staggered onto the air on March 31, 2004, but its success
has been limited by lack of resources and limited
distribution around the country. A major investment of money
by wealthy liberals might have ensured that talk radio,
countering Rush Limbaugh and other conservatives, was
reaching most Americans, not just those in scattered cities.
When liberals have spent money
on media in recent years, it was often to buy ads on network
TV, rather than to build dedicated outlets as the
conservatives have done with the likes of Rupert Murdoch’s
Fox News and Sun Myung Moon’s Washington Times.
Future Needs
So what can Americans who are part of
the “reality-based community” do?
First, they must understand the nature
of the challenge. What is at stake on Nov. 2 is not just the
election of a President, it is whether facts should matter
in deciding how the U.S. government functions at home and
George W. Bush has signaled repeatedly
that he is a “gut” player who eschews detailed analysis in
favor of action that he may believe is inspired by God. John
Kerry believes that U.S. policies must be anchored in a
thoughtful, even nuanced, assessment of the facts – an
approach that has opened him to criticism for lacking Bush’s
Second, “reality-based” Americans must
realize that when Bush’s team talks about a “war of ideas,”
they are not speaking metaphorically. To reverse Karl von
Clausewitz’s famous dictum, one might say that the Bush team
views the “war of ideas” as an extension of violent conflict
by other means. They are not simply seeking to win a debate;
they are determined to destroy or at least marginalize their
Third, the defense of the
“reality-based community” will be expensive. A great amount
of time, talent and money will be required to produce solid
information on important topics and to build outlets – TV,
radio, print, Internet – that can put the facts before the
American people, regardless of what the mainstream news
media wants.
Fourth, this will be a long conflict,
extending well beyond the Nov. 2 election regardless of
which candidate wins.
If Bush gains a second term, the
“reality-based community” can expect to come under a virtual
siege with Bush’s victory cited as proof that Americans want
single-minded leadership, not complicated analyses of the
challenges ahead. The cult around Bush will strengthen and
might grow even more intolerant of dissent.
If Kerry manages to pull off an upset,
the conservative/Republican infrastructure will target him
as it did Bill Clinton in the 1990s. A
counter-infrastructure will be needed to offset any
If Bush loses, immediate steps also
should be taken to reverse his executive orders that have
kept historical records from the 1980s and early 1990s out
of the public domain. The Democrats must not follow the
precedent set by Bill Clinton, who in 1993 sidetracked
investigations into Reagan-Bush policies out of wishful
thinking that his forgive-and-forget approach would meet
with some Republican reciprocity. [For the grim results of
Clinton’s approach, see
Secrecy & Privilege.]
As readers of Consortiumnews.com know,
we have tried for nearly a decade to use this Web site as a
way to collect and piece together important parts of the
nation's recent historical record – what we have called
“lost history.” But these types of efforts must be
multiplied many times over in the future.
America’s “reality-based community”
must commit itself to building a full and honest record of
both historical and current events – facts that can serve as
a foundation for a healthy American democracy based on
truth, not fantasy.
Award-winning investigative reporter Robert Parry's
latest book is Secrecy & Privilege: Rise of the Bush Dynasty from
Watergate to Iraq. It can be purchased at
secrecyandprivilege.com. It's also available at
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